The November General Meeting will be held at 7 PM on Tuesday, November 10. The program will be led by Nancy Gravley on the topic of "iOS 14 Features" with several of our members taking part.
Read MoreThe October General Meeting was held at 7 PM on October 13th. The speaker for October was our own Craig Gowens who presented “Developing a DNA Testing Plan” Using DNA to solve the mysteries in your family tree often involves testing multiple persons to reach a conclusion. We’ll look at why there are advantages to DNA testing multiple family members and give some advice on how to choose who to test and what testing companies to use. I’ll explain how to approach DNA testing from a more scientific angle, making it a replicable process you can use again and again to help build your family tree further back in time.
Read MoreThe September General Meeting was held at 7 PM on Tuesday, September 8. The program was by Fawzi Behmann.
The title of his talk was "5G is here – What do we expect to be different?" - The Fifth Wireless Communications technology 5G was ushered in early 2020. Similarly to the introduction of the iPhone, 5G will be disruptive with a rich set of technical capabilities that will impact network response, empowering vertical markets, and enriching mobility.
Read MoreThe August General Meeting was on Tuesday, August 11. The program featured Gary Rosenzweig Gary.
The title of his talk was "iCloud Tips" - We'll take a look at some of the most useful features of iCloud. We'll look at sharing files and folders with others, saving your iPhone photos to iCloud while traveling, sharing calendars and Reminders lists, and more.
July 2020 General Meeting of the Capitol Macintosh User's Group in Austin, Texas. This meeting was held via Zoom with presentations from Stephen Hackett is the co-founder of the Relay FM podcast network, where he hosts shows covering Apple and the space industry, including Connected, Mac Power Users, and Liftoff. He and his wife live in their hometown of Memphis, TN with their three kids, a dog, and way too many old Macs.
Read MoreJune 2020 General Meeting of the Capitol Macintosh User's Group in Austin, Texas. This meeting was held via Zoom with presentations from club members on DuckDuckGo, RSS Readers, Clean My Mac X, tips from the Take Control of Apple Mail book and more.
Read MoreNancy Gravley hosted a special zoom meeting entitled “Did you know your iPhone & iPad could do that?”.
Read MoreAt our May meeting Jeff Gamet of Smile Software gave a very interesting presentation on their Textexpander product.
Read MorePresentation by Craig Gowens on DNA as it pertains to Genealogy.
Read MoreAutomation Presentation by Nathan Lott at the August 2019 General Meeting. He is providing a number of links to automation related webpages. Also check hour Nathan’s videos on Hazel and Text Expander.
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